Our Story
Make a Living
Leo Sanford (#55) a LA Tech alumni (All American Linebacker/Center) retired from 10 years in the NFL. 8 years with the Chicago Cardinals (All Pro in 1956, ’57) and 2 years with the World Champion Baltimore Colts. His teammates included Jonny Unitas, Raymond Berry, Lenny Moore and other NFL hall of famers. Tom Landry ask Leo to come out of retirement in 1960 with the Dallas Cowboys inaugural team but because of a knee injury he retired in training camp.
From the NFL Leo started in the sport equipment industry in North Louisiana eventually leading him to Class Rings, Senior Supplies, and letter Jackets. He formed the company we now go by locally as Graduate Sales.
Make a Difference
Leo and his wife of 68 years always heavily supported LA Tech in many ways. After Myrna passed in 2018 Leo set up in her honor the Largest Athletic endowed scholarship in the school’s history.

Make a Living
Leo’s son Steve Sanford, an LA Tech alumni, moves to Southwest Louisiana to continue building what Leo had started with Graduate Sales. Yearbooks was added to Class Rings, Senior Supplies and Letter jackets.
Make a Difference
Steve also started introducing SWLA to The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). FCA was and still is used to impact Coaches and Athletes to encourage Integrity, Serving, Teamwork, and Excellence. He is now the SWLA Area Director and Chaplin for all McNeese Sports.

Make a Living
Clint and Cris Sanford the Grandsons for Leo and sons of Steve start in the family business. Clint after playing football for, and graduating from Northwestern State, and then teaching 5th grade for 5 years. Cris after playing football for 2 years at McNeese and Rugby for 3 years at LSU.
The “Sanford Sons” continued to grow the family business adding to the Class Rings, Senior Supplies, Letter jackets, and Yearbooks. They started Lagniappe Photography in 2017 which takes school pictures and sports pictures.
Make a Difference
Clint and Cris both are actively involved with the local FCA through leading bible studies, FCA camps, and serving on the local board.
Through Lagniappe Photography they have been able to give a portion of each each picture purchased to DeWanna’s Closet which helps in need students get school supplies and school uniforms for free.

Make a Difference!!
“Glory Days” is created with the goal and mission of inspiring and equipping students to make these years “the best days of their life so far!”.
The Mission is to help students “Create memories for the future through the excitement of today”
This mission is not about selling a product but about encouraging kids to be where they are and experience all that they can in the best way possible to give their future the excitement, passion, hope and perseverance needed to make a great life!
We plan to do this through social media using our blogs, podcasts and vlogs by us as well as “Glory Days Ambassadors”. Glory Days Ambassadors will be a group of students from all over the State of Louisiana that participates in group leadership training to discuss ways to make High school “the best days of their life so far”.
Make a Living
Glorydayscelebrated.com will be a place for students to order letter jackets, patches, rings and other gear online when that time comes. We hope that by making an actual difference that we can also make a living.